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The Bras family's table at the Halle aux Grains

Where to have a drink | or dinner  - 

Located on the third floor of the Bourse de Commerce, the Halle aux Grains offers an interior view of the immense mural fresco that inspired chefs Michel and Sébastien Bras in their design of the plate: “When we entered for the first time in the Bourse de Commerce, this panorama made me travel, it fueled my memory and my inspiration, ”says Michel Bras. To echo the history of the place, dedicated to the wheat and flour trade in the 19th century, the table celebrates cereals, seeds and legumes through truly gourmet recipes - they aim to bring "l 'soul of Aubrac in Paris'. On the plate, we find a cuisine of heart dear to the two chefs who claim the accuracy of the dishes, a "cuisine of nothing of crazy elegance" like the mushrooms of Paris stuffed and flock of oats crystallized with pepper. black or pan-fried hake with buckwheat butter, spinach and new potatoes.

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